For Employers
[2024 H2 Jul - Dec Internship] Cloud Infra/DevOps Engineer Intern
Job post no longer accepts applications
Citizen Disbursement Systems (CD Systems) Our teams are responsible for the development, maintenance, and operation of systems facilitating governmental fund distribution to citizens via social transfer programs like Silver Support, GST Voucher, and Workfare Income Supplement. As a CD Systems (Infra/DevOps) Intern, you'll collaborate closely with an agile team to establish a robust, reliable, and resilient infrastructure for our systems. You also will work with an DevOps team to establish an agile, scalable, and transparent DevOps platform for our systems.

What you will be working on As a CD Systems (Infra/DevOps) Intern, your responsibilities will include:
-Cloud Infrastructure Architecting: Collaborate with the team to conceptualize, design, and deploy cloud infrastructure and workloads, ensuring seamless support for various systems operating on the cloud environment.
-Enhance Cloud Operation: Gain valuable insights into cloud operations and contribute to ongoing enhancements in processes and procedures, aiming for optimized outcomes.
-Fine Tuning Cloud Security : Dive into the CD systems security framework, refining strategies to bolster data and asset protection, and fortifying the system's defenses against potential threats.
o Improve Reliability, Performance, and Sustainability: Collaborate with the team to address the long-term requirements of CD systems, optimizing computing resource utilization, and enhancing the consistency and efficiency of system functions.

• DevOps
- Cloud DevOps Architecture: Collaborate with the team to conceive, design, and implement cloud-based CI/CD pipelines and related functions, ensuring seamless support for diverse application development teams and facilitating smooth development and release processes.
- Enhance Cloud Observability: Develop tools and features to monitor cloud environments, enhancing the visibility and understanding of system operations within the cloud infrastructure.
- Governance, Policy, and Security: Delve into the DevOps security framework to bolster the security posture of the DevOps platform. Establish policies, standards, and guidelines to govern the DevOps environment effectively.
- Improve Scalability, Performance, and Transparency: Work with the team to address the evolving needs of continuous delivery systems, optimizing CI/CD pipelines and releases to improve efficiency, scalability, performance, and transparency across the DevOps platform.
What you will be working on
During your internship with CPF Board, you can expect:
• Learning Opportunities: Acquire practical, hands-on experience in honing design, development, and maintenance skills specific to cloud-based systems.
• Mentorship: Benefit from guidance and mentorship provided by seasoned technical experts who are deeply passionate about cloud development.
• Exposure: Gain insight into diverse facets of cloud computing and grasp how various functional teams collaborate to effectively manage and maintain cloud systems.
• Networking: Forge connections with professionals and expand your network within the public service sector, fostering valuable relationships for future growth and collaboration.
What we are looking for
We are seeking candidates who meet the following criteria:
• Available Full Time (5 days per week): Ability to commit to full-time hours, ensuring consistent availability and dedication to the internship role.
• Currently enrolled in courses such as Information Systems, Information Security, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field.
• Passion for Technology: Demonstrated keen interest in technology, particularly in gaining hands-on experience with cloud systems.
• Effective Communication Skills: Proficient in both verbal and written communication, essential for clear articulation of ideas and collaboration within the team.
• Meticulous Attention to Detail: Strong focus on accuracy and precision in maintaining records and executing tasks.
• Collaborative Spirit: Ability to work harmoniously within a team, valuing input from others and contributing positively to shared goals.
• Adaptability and Learning Agility: Readiness to embrace and thrive in a dynamic, fast-paced environment, continually seeking opportunities for growth and development.
• Proactive and Self-Motivated: Innate drive to take initiative, tackle challenges proactively, and drive personal and professional advancement.

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[2024 H2 Jul - Dec Internship] Cloud Infra/DevOps Engineer Intern
3 months ago
Entry / Junior
Internship / Apprenticeship